Flexible Resourcing

Since it was established OCS has been providing a wide range of IT services to its client base. Traditionally these services have been delivered in the standard form of Consultancy, Project, Support or Secondment based assignments.

More recently, due to changes in how IT based operations operate and the greater need for financial control and visibility, OCS’ clients have requested to have a more tailored, flexible and cost effective solution to their needs. In response, OCS has brought further innovation to the delivery of its service offerings with a range of fully flexible resource management and deployment options.

Extension to your IT Team

OCS’ philosophy in delivering flexible services is encapsulated in the concept of developing an extension to the client’s IT team which can be employed when required without the client having the burden of overhead costs.

OCS has developed a unique service matching approach to its clients that involve selecting, developing and investing in staff that match client needs in three areas:

  • Organisational fit and able to work within the structure of the client’s department
  • Matching the clients cultural, educational and background requirements
  • Having the correct skills to undertake services and add further value.


Having developed a capacity pool that enables clients to flex their delivery needs to satisfy peaks and troughs in demand, OCS can offer these services using a range of contractual and commercial arrangements providing the benefits of:

  • Greater resource management of peaks and troughs
  • Continuity of resource knowledge without full-time commitment
  • Greater control of project budgets
  • Improved granularity in planning and delivering
  • Single point of contact for supplier management
  • Guaranteed delivery, no CVs / no Interviews (unless desired)
  • No minimum commitments
  • Reduced learning curve and ramp up on resources
  • Partnership and joint development opportunities
  • Access to OCS’ standard Consultancy, Managed Service and Resourcing services.

Call-off – Consultancy and Secondment Services

OCS’ consultants can work within the client’s IT departments on a full-time, part-time, short term or long term basis either operating independently or as part of the client’s project team. Our staff can be utilised as required allowing peaks and troughs to be managed and giving long term continuity of knowledge once an assignment has been completed. OCS resources can be called off to undertake Time and Material or Delivery based assignments as required matching closely the specific needs of the client.

Universal Contract – the contract for the 21st Century

This is a facility that for a fixed monthly cost, similar to a support contract, enables the client to purchase a level of effort which gives access to a managed service up to the value of that effort for whatever skills, in whatever way needed, and for as long as they are needed. For example, the client requires or has a budget for 1.5 resources in a year. OCS fixes the price and monthly cost. The client uses who they want, when they want, for as long as they want thus giving them access to OCS staff enabling continuity of service over the life of the contract. OCS manages all aspects of the contract monitoring consumption and working with the client to plan resource requirements along with their IT plans.

C2P – the try before you buy option

Many organisations today are seeking alternative and innovative solutions to meet their current recruitment needs. They still have to combat the age-old dilemma, full time employee or consultant/contractor? Highly constrained budgets and staff headcount freezes challenge Resourcing/HR Managers. As a solution to this dilemma, OCS is offering its clients a unique service, Consultancy to Permanent (C2P) Recruitment. The basic premise of the C2P Recruitment service are quality, flexibility and choice. OCS recruits, as a permanent OCS employee, a candidate specifically for the client, to the client’s requirements by matching them to the client’s job description. The client is involved throughout the process and still has the final say at interview. The client commits to a minimum level of consultancy for that candidate, usually 6 months, and at the end of that period the client can:

  • Recruit the individual as a member of their own permanent staff for no additional recruitment fee
  • Extend their contract with OCS for the consultant’s services, usually for at least a further 3 months
  • Simply release the consultant and walk away.

For further details please contact us on +44 (0) 20 8731 4335 or email us below

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